This self-inflating air mattress is perfect for picnics, camping, hiking, sunbathing, hunting and other outdoor activities. Waterproof mattress will protect you against the damp grass, sand and earth. Pillow included is inflatable, to add comfort. This air mattress, waterproof and resistant to weather, was thought to be comfortable and with polystyrene surface adherent 190T. It arrottola easily and quickly to facilitate transport and to be deposited. thanks to two straps for transport to and including lot .;
- Liferaft
- Black Colour
- Open size: 185 x 55 cm
- Thickness: 3 cm
- Packed size: 16 x 59 cm (Ø x L)
- Filling Material: PU foam 19D
- It features an integrated inflatable pillow
- The delivery includes a carrying case and two straps with buckles
- Material: Polyester: 100%
; This high moisture-resistant air mattress with an inflatable cushion included is convenient is practical. Lightweight and portable, versatile and practical, this mattress to sleep is indispesabile for camping and for those who love to sleep outdoors!